Learn the techniques that will help you prevail when you need to use your handgun for personal defense!
This is the 4th course you should take
"After you have taken the necessary handgun safety course as part of the requirements to apply for and receive a permit to carry a handgun for personal protection, the next step is to learn some basic and semi-advanced tactics to be more prepared in the event you are attacked. This course reviews numerous scenarios and offers tactical answers that can be used to more effectively defend yourself as you attempt to stop the threat."—Susan Romanov, SFWA Founder
SFWA's Defensive Handgun Tactics is a comprehensive "hands-on" course designed to help women (and men) develop the skills and mindset to increase the odds that they will prevail in the event of an attack against them or a loved one. Students will take away a number of key elements and techniques that can be readily mastered for use in self defense situations.
Let's face it, once we decide we need to have a firearm for self defense, the need is prevalent enough that taking years to master defensive fighting skills is not an option. This course helps fill that gap and prepare students to be able to perform a number of techniques to stand a fighting chance against an attacker.
Levels of awareness and other techniques are learned in a hands-on classroom environment without the use of live fire. Different scenarios will be presented and worked through by students to help master defensive tactics with a handgun for the purpose of personal protection. Techniques for safely and efficiently drawing a firearm from a holster and other concealed places will be learned. Students will participate in split second decision making activities to help improve reaction and response techniques. (No live fire, all classroom instruction.) This course is a prerequisite to SFWA's Advanced Tactical and Precision Personal Defense Course including "How to Shoot Better Than Swat!".
Everything is provided in this course.
You may bring your own handgun and carry items (holsters, purse, etc) to develop the techniques using your own equipment but it is not necessary for successful completion of the course.
No one will be thrown on the ground or otherwise physically harmed in this course. The techniques used have permitted even a 94 year old woman with a walker to defend herself effectively. Most importantly, the handful of techniques you will learn are designed for a civilian to be able to perform readily and effectively to increase the odds they will prevail if attacked. The mindset required to survive a self defense situation is an important element of this course. Best of all, the techniques are easy to practice and remember when the need to use them is real.
I was able to take a handgun from another person weighing much more than me using technique and not muscle . . . amazing! Plus, learning how to retain my own handgun is priceless.
I have taken various self-defense courses and yet the techniques I learned in this class were memorable and easy to perform! Now, I have more confidence carrying my handgun for personal protection and an awareness level I did not think possible.
After we took this class, we felt like great! We never were very athletic or muscle strong but we learned techniques that proved we had a fighting chance in the event we needed to defend ourselves; and we would not lose our gun in the process.